Accessibility for the Ladok consortium’s websites
The websites and are run by the Ladok consortium. Here, we describe how the websites comply with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them.
How accessible are the websites?
We know some parts of the websites aren’t fully accessible. See the section on non-accessible content below for more information.
What to do if you can’t access parts of the websites?
If you need content from these websites that is not accessible for you, but is not within the scope of the accessibility regulations as described below, please contact us.
Reporting accessibility problems with the websites
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of the websites. If you find any problems that aren’t listed on this page or if we’re not meeting the requirements of the accessibility regulations, please let us know about the problem.
Enforcement procedure
The Agency for Digital Government, Digg, is responsible for enforcing the web accessibility regulations. If you experience accessibility issues on our website, you can submit a complaint to Digg.
You can also submit a complaint to Digg if you think that our assessment of what constitutes a disproportionate burden should be reviewed, if you think that our accessibility statement is inadequate, or it you think that your request for excluded content in an accessible format has not been handled correctly.
Technical information about the websites’ accessibility
This website is partially compliant with the Swedish accessibility regulations, due to the non-compliances listed below.
Non-accessible content
The content described below is, in one way or another, not fully accessible.
Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations
Our ambition is to fix all known accessibility issues listed here.
The websites contain documents in PDF format, which do not fully meet accessibility requirements. Images in the documents lack alt text, the color contrast in some elements is too low, the reading order on the pages is not logical, and the text includes instructions that rely on sensory characteristics (such as shape, size, visual placement, orientation, or sound). We have addressed the accessibility issues in the most frequently used documents and are working to rectify the issues in the remaining documents.
Please feel free to contact us if there is any specific document you need to have made accessible.
WCAG: 1.3.2 A, 1.3.3 A, 1.4.11 AA and 1.4.3 AA.
There are embedded videos on the website, but the media player used for these videos has accessibility deficiencies. The player allows single-character keyboard shortcuts—for example, pressing the ”F” key enables full-screen mode. This can pose challenges for users who rely on screen readers, voice control, or who may accidentally press these keys.
Additionally, the media player’s language is set to English, while its controls are in Swedish. To avoid inconsistencies, no language specification should be included in the code.
We have contacted the media player provider to request that these issues be addressed.
WCAG: 2.1.4 A and 3.1.2 AA.
Audio Player
The page includes an audio player for Ladokpodden, but it lacks a name and role in the code.
We have contacted the audio player provider to request that these issues be addressed.
WCAG: 4.1.2 A.
How we tested the websites
We have engaged an independent party to review the websites from an accessibility perspective based on WCAG criteria. The review identified shortcomings that could potentially create barriers for some users. We are continuously working to address the issues on the websites. The criteria that have not yet been resolved are listed under ”Non-accessible content”.
The websites were published on December 13, 2023.
The latest review was conducted on December 5, 2023.
The report was last updated on February 21, 2025.