International engagements
The Ladok consortium participates in several international initiatives to facilitate student mobility, and improve data exchange between higher education institutions in different countries.
Transfer of academic credentials, Emrex
The Ladok consortium participates in the governance of the Emrex network and in developing the Elmo data exchange standard. By using the Emrex solution, students are able to transfer their academic credentials between higher education institutions across borders.
Digital certificates through Single Digital Gateway
The Single Digital Gateway (SDG) is an EU regulation mandating that if electronic certificates are accessible for domestic citizens, they must also be accessible for all EU citizens. Certificates can be driver’s licenses, academic credentials, insurance papers etc. A framework for data exchange has been created, called the Once Only Technical System (OOTS). The Ladok consortium has worked together with other parties on creating a bridge between Emrex and OOTS. A working prototype is ready.
Cooperation within Digital Credentials for Europe
Digital Credentials for Europe (DC4EU) is a consortium consisting of approximately 80 organizations from 23 countries, that together have received funding within the field of Electronic-ID. The purpose is to develop a digital wallet that contains higher education data. Together with Sikt from Norway, the Ladok consortium is developing a solution that supplies the wallet with higher education data through an Emrex-gateway, including conversion between ELMO and ELM standards. The project is ongoing 2023-2025.
Import of credits with Erasmus Without Paper
The EU has developed the tool Erasmus Without Papers (EWP) to handle various aspects of student mobility, such as learning agreements and transcripts of records. The Ladok consortium is currently designing a solution to transfer credits to Ladok.
Application of Edu-API
The Ladok consortium is aiming to be the world’s first producer of information using the Edu-API standard. Edu-API is a next generation international standard for data exchange between higher education systems. The purpose of the standard to improve the students’ experience, improve efficiency, and create new possibilities for innovation. The US-based 1EdTech is developing Edu-API, and it is implemented by a global group of parties in the higher education sector, such as universities and vendors of Learning Management Systems. The Ladok consortium has contributed in developing the information model, assisted in testing technical concepts, and participated in a group focusing on asynchronous communication.
Expert knowledge within European Digital Education Hub
European Digital Education Hub (EDEH) is an initiative supported by the EU. The network has several thousand participants that work to create a framework for interoperability, with the objective that education and student administration systems should be able to exchange data over borders. The Ladok consortium participates in a group of experts that create the basis for the framework.
Co-operation in Nordforum
The Ladok consortium is driving party in the collaboration Nordforum, which is an informal cooperation between organizations dealing with student information systems in the Nordic countries, the Netherlands and Estonia. The purpose of the collaboration is to share experiences, but also to act together in identified areas. The Emrex solution is an initiative from this group.