Digital qualifications
As of January 1, 2024, qualifications can be issued entirely digitally in Ladok. For you as a student, this means that you can collect your degree certificate directly from Ladok, instead of receiving it sent to you from your university. The degree certificate you download is a representation of the decision on your qualification that is stored in Ladok. Therefore, you can download the degree certificate as many times as you want, and the information will always be identical to the current decision on the degree.
The degree certificates are collected in Ladok for students.
All universities are not issuing digital degree certificates, please contact your university if you want to know how your degree will be issued.
Verify the document
The diploma you download will be e-stamped. This means that the recipient of the diploma can verify that the document has not been changed since it was downloaded from Ladok. This is done by uploading the received document on Ladok’s verification page. Ladok then verifies whether the document is identical to the one you downloaded in Ladok. It is also possible to verify the e-stamp through an established pdf reader.
Share certificate
In addition to verifying the document, it is also possible to share information about the degree certificate.