How to use Ladok for students
During your studies: Ladok for students
In Ladok, students can access information related to their studies, including details about enrolled courses and their corresponding grades. Additionally, you may be able to download transcripts of records, register on courses, sign up for exams, apply for degree certificates, and perform other related tasks. The specific functionalities available to students are determined individually by each university. Consequently, there might be slight differences in how Ladok operates across various institutions.
You’ll only see information from the specific univeristy you’re logged into. If you’re studying at multiple universities, you’ll need to switch which university you’re logged in to in order to access all your data. Select ’Change university’ in Ladok’s menu to view information from different universities.
Log in
Log in using any of the following services:
- Student account at your university
- eduID
Students without a Swedish personal identification number can only log in to Ladok with an account at their university. If you get a Swedish personal identity number, you can contact your university to start using your Swedish personal identity number in Ladok.
After completed studies: Ladok for alumni
If you no longer have access to the login services mentioned above, you can log in using Swedish e-identification instead. This will grant you access to a limited version of Ladok, where you can download a transcript of records or apply for a degree certificate.
Log in
Go to Ladok for students and choose to log in to Ladok for alumni. Log in with:
- BankID
- Freja eID+
Foreign credits
Through Ladok, you can access the Emrex service to retrieve your credentials from foreign universities. Log in to Ladok and select ”Foreign Merits” in the menu. You can obtain a pdf with your credentials and in some cases, also import them into Ladok to use them as a basis for crediting. All students with access to Ladok can retrieve credentials, but from a limited number of foreign universities.