Från programtillfällesstruktur till studentens studieplan
Demonstration av hur kurser i programtillfällets struktur blir till innehåll i studentens studieplan.
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Demonstration av hur kurser i programtillfällets struktur blir till innehåll i studentens studieplan.
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Du använder Ladok i din webbläsare. Där kan du t.ex. använda kortkommandon och arbeta i flera webbläsarflikar. I filmen demonstreras några exempel.
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You will learn basic functions, how Ladok is structured and some tips and tricks in this e-learning course.
You are using Ladok in your web browser. This means that you can use a number of short-cuts and work in several browser tabs at once.
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You are using Ladok in your web browser. This means that you can use a number of short-cuts and work in several browser tabs at once.
The video demonstrates a few examples of this.
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There are four tabs in the main menu of Ladok:
The video shows examples of what type of information you can find in the tabs.
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The video shows you the home page of Ladok, and a few tabs in Study documentation:
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Most of the functions concerning a student are gathered in the different tabs of the student page.
The video shows how you find the student page, and a few examples on how you can use it.
The video has sound